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Mayo Clinic Laboratories

Test Code HIV 1,2 Rfx HIV 1,2 Antigen / Antibody with Reflex to HIV Quant / HVDIP (Mayo)


HIV 1,2 Ag Ab, Human Immunodeficiency Virus

Useful For

>95% of HIV infections are HIV. Prelim positive on screens should be tested in Molecular. This decreases TAT for administration of appropriate therapy. HIV 1 non detected would reflext to Mayo for HIV 2 detection. 

Patient Preparation

No special patient preparation required

Special Collection Instructions

Requires pink top EDTA for reflex testing to occur.

Collection Method

Venous collection

Minimum Volume

3mL Plasma


Pink Top K3 EDTA 

Preferred Specimen

2 Tubes - Pink Top K3 EDTA

Acceptable Specimens


  • Purple or Pink Top (K2/K3 EDTA)


Reference or Target Ranges


Reportable Units


Critical Value

Not defined for this assay

Reasons for Rejection

Hemolysis Threshold 500 mg/dL
Icterus Threshold 40 mg/dL
Lipemia Threshold 1000 mg/dL
Other QNS, contaminated, improperly Labeled, improper specimen type

Specimen Stability

Ambient 7 days
Refrigerated (4°C to 8°C) 4 weeks
Frozen(-40°C to 0°C) 3 months

Performance Information

Days and Time Performed 24/7
Expected Turn Around Time Stat: 1 hour
Routine: 4 hours
Stat Availability Yes
Performing Bench UH Chemistry
Methodology/Method Description Siemens Atellica - Immunoassay

Reflex Testing

Reactive results reflex to Molecular Pathology Lab for HIV detection by HIV-1 Quant. 
HIV-1 Quant. Positive: No further testing is performed. 
HIV-1 Quant negative: The specimen will reflex to Mayo for HVDIP (HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody confirmation and differentiation).  For all new patients without a history of HIV infection and not undergoing treatment for HIV. 


HIV 1,2 antigen/ antibody test results should be interpreted as false-positive if: negative HIV-1 Quant at MUHC, negative HIV-1 AB / HIV-2 AB at Mayo, negative HIV-1 RNA at Mayo 



Additional Information/Important Notes

This is a 4th generation HIV 1,2 assay.

CPT Codes